Student Work Examples

A PDF of my student work and project descriptions can be accessed here: Student Work PDF

Big Heads – Cardboard Construction Projecttumblr_mzzfs1lo8p1tq55mro2_1280tumblr_nbt2gjOs5Y1tk8joho6_r1_540 tumblr_nbt2gjOs5Y1tk8joho5_r1_540 tumblr_nbnux0Koj81tk8jn5o1_1280 tumblr_nbnux0Koj81tk8jn5o2_1280 tumblr_nbnux0Koj81tk8jn5o3_1280 3.Larissa Rogers

Digital Photography and Printing Assignmenttumblr_nch9f8SxR81tk75eco1_1280 tumblr_ncbsd7y1o01tk75zoo2_540 2.Ashley Prosser


3D Modeling and Printing Assignment  tumblr_nlszmrPMbk1u8quvio4_1280tumblr_nluptoi76W1u8quvio7_250

kyle 3d -2 Kyle 3D

3.Hannah Mars

Sewing/Wearable Art Assignment

6.Lexa, Kaetlin, Carter, Genesis

01 2 Birds in a Box - 3ajeeb! tumblr_n3sn3vtPMG1tq6lyoo1_1280 Andrew and Anthony4.Hope Trujillo 4c.Hope Trujillo 4.Seth Mitchell 4.Anthony and Calvintumblr_n36jba7jkO1tq5di3o1_1280


Woodshop AssignmentAnthony DonatelliKwon Kwon1 Mark Plakatoris